The Lithuanian border is 1,763 km long.

The Lithuanian border is a line and a vertical surface stretching along this line which establishes the boundaries of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania on land, in the entrails of the earth, in airspace, in the territorial waters, and in the territorial sea and its depths.

Lithuanian border guards control and enforce security of about one-tenth of the external land borders of the Schengen Treaty countries, 1,070 km.

The Republic of Lithuania borders on four countries:

 a member of the Schengen area, the Republic of Latvia, in the north, the border is 588.1 km long on land and 22.2 km long in the sea;

 the Republic of Belarus in the east, 678.8 km;

 a member of the Schengen area, the Republic of Poland, in the south-west, 104.3 km;

 the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation and Baltic Sea in the west, 253.7 km on land, 18.5 km in the Curonian Lagoon, and 22.2 km in the sea.

Lithuanian border guards are responsible for controlling the external boundary of the territorial sea (75.2 km).

Lithuanian has international airports in such towns as Vilnius, Kaunas, Palanga and Šiauliai. There is an international seaport in the town of Klaipėda.

Last updated: 08-11-2023