Lithuanian experts strengthened the capacity of Central Asian law enforcement agencies to investigate cross-border crimes

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The Lithuanian State Border Guard Service is leading Component 2 of the BOMCA 10 project. This Component aims to improve the detection capabilities of Central Asian law enforcement agencies and border guards. In the last quarter of 2023, BOMCA 10 experts completed a series of national workshops for investigators of cross-border crimes such as trafficking of firearms, their parts, explosives, ammunition, currency, and other goods. Participants of the national workshops in all Central Asia countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) raised their awareness of the current state of investigation of these crimes: enhanced knowledge and skills in the process of crime investigation, tactics, data, and evidence gathering, securing the crime scene and evidence in the cases of smuggled firearms, currency, and other goods. In addition, during workshops participants formed an informal network for investigating these cases, which may contribute to improved networking and longer-term cooperation in the future, thereby contributing to improved interagency cooperation among their national authorities. After these workshops, BOMCA experts developed Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) for the investigation of these illicit goods. Moreover, Component 2 of BOMCA 10 project foresees providing Central Asia countries with a Handbook addressing the smuggling of firearms, explosives, ammunition, currency, and other goods for investigators of these particular crimes. This activity not only raised awareness of the current status of the investigation of these cross-border crimes but also encouraged the need for further improvement of investigative powers and capacities of relevant investigative authorities responsible for the detection and/or pre-trail investigation of these cross-border crimes.

For additional information about the 10th phase of the Border Management Programme in Central Asia please visit

Last updated: 01-12-2023